Same Day CEREC Crowns and Onlays

Same Day CEREC Crowns and OnlaysJackson Heights, NY

When it comes to repairing your damaged teeth, same day CEREC crowns and onlays can help improve your smile. This technology allows us to prepare your teeth for the crown, create the crown and place it in your mouth on the same day. Whether your teeth are worn down or too small, this type of treatment can help you. Unlike traditional treatments, you will not need to spend time waiting for a crown or onlay to arrive.

Your teeth may be damaged from injuries, decay or old fillings. You can benefit from this treatment if your teeth have large areas of decay or are chipped. The process works by having a computer create an image of the teeth. Our dentist can then design the replacement crown or onlay and have the machine create it. That allows the dentist to place the crown or onlay on your tooth.

Contact our office today to learn more about how same day CEREC crowns and onlays can help to restore your smile.

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Causes of damaged teeth

There are many potential reasons why a patient’s teeth may be damaged. Grinding the teeth, especially at night, can cause the teeth to wear down over time. A patient may also have an old filling that is coming loose. This can result in a larger hole in the tooth. Decay is a major cause of damaged teeth. A large cavity will not benefit from a filling, so an onlay may be needed.

Another reason that teeth may become damaged is from injury. This can cause the teeth to have cracks or chips in them that appear unsightly. Chewing on hard foods can also cause the tooth to become cracked or chipped. Abrupt temperature changes in the mouth, such as eating cold food with a hot beverage, can cause the structure of the tooth to weaken. No matter what the cause of damaged teeth is for a patient, dental crowns and onlays can help to repair this damage.

Who can benefit from same day CEREC crowns and onlays?

There are many reasons why a patient might need a crown or an onlay for their teeth. These are usually used to restore a tooth that has a large area of decay. An onlay is used when the decay is not large enough to need a crown but is too large for a simple filling.

A crown is a cap that can cover the entire tooth. Even if a tooth is not damaged, a patient can still benefit from a dental crown. A crown can cover a misshapen tooth. It can also cover a tooth and make it appear to be straighter than it actually is.

How the same day CEREC process works

With traditional crowns and onlays, both procedures will require a patient to wait while the crown or the onlay is being made. This process can take a week or more. In the meantime, the patient will need to wear a temporary crown or onlay until the newer permanent one will come in. This can result in discomfort for the patient because the temporary crown or onlay is not as comfortable as the customized one.

However, a same day CEREC crown or onlay does not have this problem. To place one on a patient, our dentist will first prepare the area for the crown or onlay. This may involve removing a decayed part of the tooth. Another benefit of the same day technology is that the dentist will not need to remove as much of the tooth as with the traditional procedures.

Next, our dentist will use a small device to take a digital image of the patient’s mouth. This device is connected to a computer system that can stitch the different images together to create a digital model of the patient’s mouth. This takes the place of a physical mold, which is often not comfortable for patients, especially those who have a gag reflex.

Once the digital image has been created, the milling machine can carefully carve out the new crown or onlay for the patient. Our dentist can then use strong dental cement to securely place the onlay or crown on the patient’s tooth. We may use a light to help this cement cure faster so the patient can leave faster. The entire process only requires one visit to our office.

Benefits of same day CEREC crowns and onlays

Same day CEREC crowns and onlays offer several benefits to patients. There is no need for a temporary crown or onlay because everything happens on the same day. This can help a patient avoid having issues with poorly fitting crowns or having to avoid eating some types of foods. It can also be healthier for the patient. The decayed or damaged area will not be exposed to the bacteria in the mouth for as long.

A crown can also preserve the patient’s tooth structure. This can help to maintain the look of the patient’s smile. It can also help patients to avoid more dental work in the future. The crown or onlay will serve to protect the tooth.

A same day CEREC crown or onlay is also more likely to properly fit the patient’s mouth. Because the crown or onlay is created right in front of the patient, any errors can be quickly fixed. On the other hand, any errors with a traditional onlay or crown would only cause a patient to wait for a longer period of time and come in for more appointments.

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Visit a cosmetic dentist near you for same day CEREC crowns and onlays

A same day CEREC crown or onlay is made out of the same material that your tooth is. This makes it an effective method for restoring your smile. The procedure to place this on your teeth is painless and faster than with a traditional method. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you improve your smile through same day CEREC crowns and onlays.