Dental Implants

Dental ImplantsJackson Heights, NY

If you have one or more missing teeth and you are interested in replacing them, then dental implants might be a good option for you. Our cosmetic dentist can place these implants in the gap where your missing teeth are located. A dental implant is the closest that you can get to having your natural teeth back. One of the main benefits of dental implants is that they offer a more permanent solution than dentures or even bridges.

Dental implants are a good option for replacing missing teeth and avoid problems such as bone loss and teeth shifting. Dental implants can also stay in place better than dentures and they do not need an adhesive or cleaning solutions. Our cosmetic dentist will use surgery to place the implant in your jaw to allow your bone to integrate with it. If you have good oral health and strong bone in your jaw, you may be a good candidate for dental implants.

Contact our office today to learn more about how a cosmetic dentist near you can help you improve your smile with dental implants.

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Why replace missing teeth?

There are several reasons why patients should choose to replace missing teeth. Missing teeth can cause many problems for patients. These problems can cause other oral health issues. In fact, missing teeth can negatively impact the surrounding teeth in the area.

  • Affecting speaking: a patient’s tongue works with the teeth to help form words and clear speech. When teeth are missing, this process can be more difficult
  • Shifting teeth: other teeth can easily shift to fill the gap left by the missing tooth. This can affect the patient’s bite and prevent the teeth from meeting when the patient bites down
  • Trouble with eating: when a patient has missing teeth, eating can be more difficult. This can negatively affect a patient’s diet and prevent the patient from eating fresh, nutritious food
  • Difficulty cleaning: a gap can be difficult to properly clean without the right tools. If the teeth have shifted, then it can be difficult to clean the crooked teeth. This can lead to gum disease or tooth decay
  • Bone loss: the area around the tooth can have bone loss if the patient does not get the tooth replaced
  • Appearance: a missing tooth can negatively affect an individual’s appearance. This can lead to a lack of self-esteem for the individual

The good news is that a dental implant can help a patient avoid these problems. Our dentist can help the patient choose the right type of implant, based on the patient’s oral health and the number of missing teeth. The patient can also choose the right color of the replacement tooth. This will help it to properly match the surrounding teeth.

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants can prevent a patient from losing bone density in the jaw. The root of the tooth will stimulate the jaw as the patient chews. This can prevent the bone from being reabsorbed into the bloodstream over time. This allows the patient to maintain a good facial structure over the years.

Compared to other options such as dentures or partial dentures, a dental implant can stay in place better. Patients also do not need to use dental adhesives or cleaners, so dental implants offer a more low-maintenance option. Dentures may need to be replaced after several years. However, with the right cleaning, patients can expect the implants to last a lifetime.

Placing dental implants

The way that implants are placed will depend on the patient’s oral structure. For example, some patients may need a few appointments at our office. For other patients, we might be able to offer a temporary crown on the same day as the implant. We can help patients choose the right option based on different factors and their individual needs.

First, our dentist will perform surgery to place the implant in the jawbone. The patient may experience some tenderness or swelling after the surgery. We may prescribe some pain medication, which can ease this discomfort. Patients should eat soft foods to help the implant properly heal.

The patient will then need to wait for the bone to heal around the implant. This is a process that is known as osseointegration. It will take some time, but the exact length of time will depend on the patient’s bone structure and overall oral health. The location of the implant will also determine how long the healing process will take. Overall, this process will take at least several months.

After the patient’s bone has healed around the implant, our dentist can then place the abutment and the artificial tooth. This artificial tooth has been custom-created to match the size, color and shape of the other teeth in the patient’s mouth. We may need to perform a second, minor surgery to place the abutment and the tooth. However, this is not as invasive as placing the dental implant.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

We can help patients determine if they are good candidates for dental implants. Most people can be candidates and there are some procedures that can help with this. For example, people who have good general health are most likely good candidates for this procedure. Potential candidates should also have strong jawbones to support the impact of the implant as the patient eats.

Our dentist can add bone to a patient’s jawbone to improve bone density. Patients also should not use tobacco, including smoking or chewing it. Smokers have a higher rate of failed implants because the tobacco can prevent the bone from growing around the implant. It is a good idea for individuals to quit smoking before considering dental implants.

Check out what others are saying about our Dental Implants services on Yelp: Dental Implants Jackson Heights

Choose dental implants today

Dental implants can help you replace missing teeth and improve the appearance of your smile. Replacing missing teeth can improve your oral health as well as your self-esteem. Scheduling a consultation with a cosmetic dentist near you can help you determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. Call us today to get your first consultation set up.