Cosmetic Dentist

Cosmetic DentistJackson Heights, NY

Getting treatments from a cosmetic dentist involves improving the appearance of your smile and teeth. While most treatments from a cosmetic dentist are elective, some types of cosmetic dentistry treatments, such as dental implants, also offer restorative effects. Some of the most common types of cosmetic dentistry treatments, such as teeth whitening, are fairly simple. However, other types of treatments require a bit more time.

We offer several cosmetic dentistry treatments. For patients who are missing teeth, we offer dental implants. Our no-prep veneers can make each tooth the right length while covering any chips or cracks. Zoom teeth whitening can remove stains from the teeth. Same day CEREC crowns and onlays can both restore the teeth.

Contact our office today to take the first step in getting a brighter, more natural smile.

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Benefits that a cosmetic dentist can offer

Cosmetic dentistry can do more than simply improve the appearance of a patient’s smile. It can also give a boost of self-esteem. A patient who has beautiful teeth will enjoy looking in the mirror more. This person will be smiling more often, which can improve an individual’s overall sense of self-worth.

Cosmetic dentistry can also improve an individual’s career. When someone has a stunning smile and uses it often, that person will come across as more positive. This can improve employers’ perceptions of that person. This can help individuals whether at the beginning of a job hunt or when looking for a promotion.

A cosmetic dentist can also help improve an individual’s overall oral health. Cosmetic dentistry treatments can improve a patient’s bite. When a patient can bite down properly, that patient will avoid further damage to the teeth when eating. Other dental issues, such as gum disease, can cause negative health concerns in the long run, so it is a wise idea to get these taken care of as soon as possible.

Dental implants

For patients who have missing teeth, dental implants can replace these teeth. A dental implant consists of a metal screw placed in the jawbone, an artificial tooth and an abutment that connects the artificial tooth to the screw in the jawbone. The screw will act as the root of the artificial tooth, making a dental implant a strong option to replace a missing tooth.

The benefits of getting dental implants go beyond simply replacing the missing teeth and improving the patient’s appearance. Dental implants can also prevent other teeth from shifting into the gap caused by the missing tooth. Some patients may be wondering why to choose a dental implant instead of another option, such as a bridge. A dental implant does not negatively affect the surrounding teeth as a bridge does. Instead of being supported by the nearby teeth, a dental implant is supported by the jawbone.

The right candidate for dental implants is one who already has good oral health. This will allow the surgical site to easily heal after the implant has been placed. Individuals need to have strong jawbones to support the new implant. Dental implants place a lot of pressure on the bone.

No-prep veneers

No-prep veneers are very similar to traditional veneers because both work to cover unsightly parts of the teeth. Both of these types can cover chips, cracks, stains or other parts of the teeth. A cosmetic dentist will place the veneers on the front of each of the teeth. With traditional veneers, the dentist must remove part of the tooth’s enamel. This can weaken the tooth and leave it unprotected from bacteria in the mouth.

This can cause further problems if the veneer is ever removed and not replaced. For example, many patients experience tooth sensitivity when some of the enamel is missing. However, one of the main benefits of no-prep veneers is that these do not require any preparation before placement. If a patient ever decides to have these veneers removed, the no-prep veneers can be removed and leave the teeth the way they looked before.

Zoom teeth whitening

Zoom teeth whitening can be used to remove stains and improve the overall appearance of the teeth. Our dentist will do this by using the Zoom Advanced Power Chairside Lamp to activate a whitening solution that contains hydrogen peroxide. This solution can bleach out the stains from the patient’s teeth. Our dentist will clean the teeth before the whitening begins, which will help to remove bacteria and food particles from the teeth. The dentist can then continue with the whitening process.

The Zoom teeth whitening procedure is designed to take less than an hour in total. It is unlikely that individuals will experience discomfort with these treatments. However, some patients might find that there is some sensitivity in the area. The whitening solution may also make the area tingle in some rare cases.

Same Day CEREC Crowns and Onlays

A crown is a type of cap for the tooth that can cover unsightly parts of the tooth. It can cover chips and make the tooth look like the surrounding teeth. An onlay is a type of partial crown that covers much of the tooth’s surface, but not the entire tooth. Both can be used to restore a tooth’s appearance.

Traditionally, patients getting crowns or onlays would need to come in once to have the tooth prepared and another time once the dentist had ordered and received the crown. However, CEREC is a technology that dentists around the world use to repair teeth in one day, rather than requiring patients to come in for multiple appointments. The dentist can use digital technology to collect data about the patient’s mouth and send the data to a milling unit. This allows the milling unit to create the crown or overlay for the patient. The dentist can then glaze the piece and bond it in place in the mouth.

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Choose a cosmetic dentist near you

A cosmetic dentist near you can help you improve your smile through several methods. These can include dental implants, no-prep veneers, Zoom teeth whitening and same day CEREC crowns and onlays. Visiting our cosmetic dentist for a consultation is the first step you should take when it comes to improving your smile. Our cosmetic dentist can work with you to help you determine which treatments will be right for your smile. If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist near you, then make an appointment at our office today.